photo by Ali Donohue
Evan Wolff (born Oct. 31, 1988) is a visual artist/musician from Cincinnati, Ohio. Perhaps best known for his illustrated work for regional punk/indie rock show flyers, Wolff has worked with a variety of clients including the Columbus Museum of Art, City Beat, Columbus Alive, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Seventh Son Brewing, Razorcake, Ace of Cups, Northside Yacht Club, Let's Pretend Records, as well as bands such as The Sidekicks, Japanther, Shellshag, Tweens, The Dopamines, Radiator Hospital, Leggy, Sonic Avenues, Big Eyes, and many more. Besides illustration, Wolff works quite often in other mediums such as collage, painting, video/animation, print making, and sculpture. He can also be found playing in the rock band, Vacation, for which he also does the majority of artwork for.